Friday, 6 December 2013

graphics Pathway - Day 10 Colour And Illustration.

 During todays work shop we started by looking at the colour wheel, starting with the primary colours : Red, Yellow and Blue. Then making the secondary colours by adding 2 of the rimary colours together: Yellow and Red to make Orange
Red and Blue to make Purple.
Blue and Yellow to make Green.
I was really confident at making the colour wheel so i found it really easy and quick to complete.

I then started by looking at the Tertiary colours by adding:
Orange and Blue to make umber brown.
Yellow and Purple to make ocher brown.
 Red and Green to make burnt sienn's brown.
i found this task pretty simple and easy to do.

We them went on to create a illustartion for each tertiary colour by looking at a piece of text which could have been a poem a quote or a lyric.

illustration 1: 

Be there to guide me.

 Illustration 2:

But never hold me down.

 Illustration 3:

The time is killing me

i am really happy with my illustrations i think that they work very well apart from illustration 3 which is no correct to the tertiary colour for it contains black instead of green, but illustartion one and two work very well for i have used the tertiary colours, the illustration fits the quotes really well.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Graphics Pathways - Day 8 Study Zone Research

Today's task was to create a Penguin paper back book cover, spine and back featuring;
A brief synopsis about given subject
Myself as an author
Penguin logo and bar code.

My book cover could have been about any f the following things;
Corporate Identity.
Way finding.
Motion Graphics.
Fashion promotions.
Fine art.

Here i have brain stormed some ideas of what my book could be about and what it will be named.

i decided to create a book cover for typography.
My book will be called Typography the basics and history.
Here is some design layout ideas i have quickly sketched 
to get a rough idea of how i want the layout
of my book to look like.

i created my final pice using Indesign. i really like my final out come i think if i was to change anything i would add in a litle bit over colour but i didnt want it to be over powering.