Friday, 28 February 2014

Constructed Photography.- Project 3

The aim of this project is to experiment with photos working with a given work or communication considering light and forms and exploring ideas.

i decided that i was going to use two words to work from, the words i have decided to use are time and wait.i then started to get a few ideas down for each word.


  • Clock
  • watch
  • stopwatch
  • hourglass
  • Tower clock
  • Big Ben
  • Day/Night
  • Pregnancy 
  • Baby to Adult
  • bud to flower
  • sunset/ sunrise 
  • Traffic 
  • Traffic Lights
  • Stop sign
  • Ques
  • Bus
  • Train
  • DLR
  • Airplaine
  • Summer
  • Winter
  • Rain to stop 
  • Wind to Stop 

I then went out and took some photos of what i thought interpreted these two words.

Before choosing my final images i decided experiment on photo shop with different filters and colour balances to see what different kinds of effects i could make.

Water colour filter
Brush detail -5
Shadow intensity -5
Texture -1

Poster Edges
Edge thickness 0
Edge intensity -8
Posterization -6

Ink outline
Stroke length -7
Dark intensity -19
Light intensity +33

Graphic pen
Stroke length -15
Light/Dark balance -41
Stroke direction - Right direction

intensity -81
contrast -62
grain type - Clumped

Colour balance
Cyan - Red

Magenta - Green


Mid tones 
Cyan - Red






Gradient Map

Blue, Purple, Red, Orange and Yellow
Opacity 21%

Gradient Map

Blue, Purple, Red, Orange and Yellow
Opacity 41%

Gradient Map

Blue, Purple, Red, Orange and Yellow
Opacity 50%

Gradient Map

Blue, Purple, Red, Orange and Yellow
Opacity 100%

After doing some experiment i have decided that the images i chose i will edit on photo shop to have a vintage style, which i will create by changing the brightness and contrast and then adding a Gradient map going from purple to yellow Over the top with an opacity of 28%



 I am really pleased with my series of photos i think they work very well together and I also think they well represent each chosen word. I really enjoyed this project as i like to experiment and play around with photo shop, i also enjoyed actually going out to find the right sort of image myself i found it quite a challenge.

Type transformation - Project 2

The aim  of this project was to transform a letter in to an object begging with the same letters.
First thing i did was to get a whole load off different ideas down for each letter which i quickly just sketched down roughly when the idea popped into my head.
Here is the list that i came up with.

I decided that i was going to go with the letter L changing into a lightning bolt, my second one would be the letter M changing into a music note.
once i had my chosen letters i then had to work out which typeface would work best for the letter transforming so once i again i got down some ideas for each letter.
the two circled are the typefaces i decided would work best.

I then went onto working out each step of the transformation, they wasn't very many ways i could do this so i decided to go for the way that i thought looked more interesting.

These are my final outcomes.

                                                              L-Lightning bolt.

                                                                  M-Music Note.

I am very happy with my outcomes i think they both work very well.if i could change anything i think i would add more colour in to the M transforming into a music note.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Alphabetype - Project 1

The aim of this projects was to create our own alphabet, so before i could do this i first looked at loads of different typefaces and got come of them down only in black and white first using lower case and capital letters.

I then went onto experiment with some more typefaces one again using lowercase and capital letters but this time using as many different colours and patterns for a back ground as i could, i enjoyed this part alot more then the plain black and white ones as i could be more experimental and use plenty of different colours and colour themes.

i really liked the M that i did on the first page of the experiment colours, so i decided to go with that kind of them but change the colours so they were just red and blue so i could get a kind of 3D effect, i really like how it came out i think it was successful.
i decided that i was going to use capital, lowercase letters, punctuation and numbers.

                                                                          Capital Letters

Lower case letters

Numbers and punctuation.

Data Translation Day 3

i then went onto choosing what i wanted my prints to be on, i decided that they would be printed on a image of each different doctor e.g 
9th Doctor, 13 episodes - 13 tardis printed onto a image of the 9th Doctor
10th Doctor, 43 episodes - 43 tardis printed onto a image of the 10th Doctor
11th Doctor, 39 episodes - 39 tardis printed onto a image of the 11th Doctor.

Here are the images that i have chosen that my tardis will be printed on.

i then had to chooses which font i wanted the text on my final piece to indicate which doctor is which and i would also use this typeface to make a key to explain what each tardis print means.

After testing out some typefaces i narrowed it down to the 2 typefaces below, for i feel that they had a doctor who/spacey feel to them. I decided to go for the type face at the top as i feel like it was easier to read and was more visual effective.

This is my final outcome.

i am really pleased with my final outcome, it came out better then i expected, if i could change anything i think i would reprint the tardis on the photo of the 9th doctor as the prints didn't not come out as well as they did on the other photos,i think maybe the layout could be different so that i could fit information explaining what the prints are about and what they mean.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Data translation Day 2

Before i started to create my final outcome i wanted to test out my small piece of lino and see how i wanted to layout all of my prints, so firstly i wanted to experiment on printing on to different materials so i could choses which material would be best for me to do my final prints on.

Here i have experimented on; Lined paper
                                               Tissue paper
                                             Colour card
                                                Tracing paper
                                                        Grease proof paper
                                        Felt paper.

I then went on to testing out different ways of laying out the prints on news paper, here are 3 different ways i could layout the prints.
Very neat, each other print will be dark blue and the other will be a very faded blue.

Each print printed at a slight angle so that more prints would be able to fit on to page.

Here the prints are very messy and over lap alot so that many more prints can be fitted on to the paper.

Once i had figured out how i wanted to lay out my prints i then went on to looking at different way of showing all of my prints on to one page.
The key will be a print of the tardis explaining what it represents.

Data Translation Day-1

The aim for this weeks project was to use data to create a graphic outcome.
i decided to look at some already existing ones for inspiration.
Here is an image of a pie chart, each part of the pie chart that is bigger is also taller then the parts that are smaller.

Here they have actually used the books to show which is the most read book.
i think this is very well thought out, and i think it also looks quite effective.

This was created for the paraolympics and each different circle is for a different country and it has small circles around it being gold silver and bronze each one representing how many medals that country won.

After getting some inspiration i started to get down some ideas of what my project would be about.
  • How much water is watched in the UK per year.
  • How many hours on average do teenagers spend on there game consoles a year.
  • How many different planets there are and how far away from each are they.
  • How many times on average do people spend a year sleeping/eating/ awake.
  • Take a survey on how many people know where the UK is on the world map.
  • How much money do people spend in general on house bills.
  • How many hours i spend watch my favourite TV show.
I decided that i wanted my piece of data translation to be more personal so i decided to go with the, How many hours so i spend watching my favourite TV show which would be Doctor who.
I then went on to looking into what different data translations i could do based on doctor who.
  • How many times a villain has appeared in each episode.
  • How many episodes i have seen.
  • How many episodes there are.
  • How many different assistance are there.
  • How many times has the doctor visited earth.
  • How many people on average watch doctor who.
  • How long has each actor played the doctor.
since i have only seen the most recent 3 actors play the doctor i decided that i was going to do my data translation based on how many episodes i have seen each of them play.
9th Doctor - 13 episodes
10th Doctor - 42 episodes
11th Doctor - 39 episodes

i then went on to thinking how i would show my data in a graphical way, and i decided that i was going to use a lino print and hand print it myself.
I decided that the print will be of the tardis which will represent one episode.
So firstly i drew out a small simple tardis, i then photocopied it and started to play around with the size to see which would be the best size to print it in, the size of the final tardis i decided to use was about half the size of my original drawing.

I cut the small tardis out of the lino, an this is how it tuned out, i am very happy with it.
it is immediately recognisable.