Monday, 25 November 2013

Phobias Film Poster

I then created another phobias poster but this poster is a film poster to represtent our short stop motion film that we created.I decised to use the little girl characted edie in my poster since the film is about her. Here is a few quck sketches of design ideas i had of how i wanted the poster to look.

Once i has chosen which sketch i want to develop and turn into my final poster.I created this poster on photoshop.

I then added some text in to my Poster i feel that the font chosen fits the poster very well it has a creepy scary feel to it and a some what spider feel.
I also played about with the colour of the brown paper used behind Edie.

I then decided to add a small amount of dripping blood at the top left corner of the page. I personally don think that the dripping blood works very well, it doesn't go with the rest of the poster.I much prefer the poster with out the dripping blood.

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