Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Metomorphosis - Day5

We decided to work together again on making another poster once again using a quote from the film and my partner would then again make the illustration to go with the quote.
The quote i had chosen was " I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot explain it myself."
i think this illustration fits this quote perfectly, the illustration gives me the impression that the boy in the drawing is very confused and he's feelings all over the place. i get this from the drawing being very unclean, messy and the ink running all over the image.
i really like the two colours chosen together i think the green and black go well together and they make each other stand out.

I then when on to choosing a type face that would go well with the illustration. so here are a few different typefaces that i have tested out to see which on works best. i thought that the best typeface was the first one i used, it had a kind of creepy bug like feel to it.

for the illustration the quote has to be written in quite a small size for the illustration takes up the whole A3 page. i tried out a few different sizes, the top text is the original size i first did the second i have slightly enlarged the text and the 3rd time i have half the text from the first original size and then the 4th text i have halved again from the last size.

Because the illustration has only used two colours black and green, i have decided to test out several different colours on top if the green for i do not need to do this fro the black as all colours go with black.i felt like non of the below colours went very well with the green so we decided the text going on to op the green will be black and the text going on top of the black will be red.

Here is an image of the quote, and this is how it will roughly be layed out on the poster.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Metamorphosis - Day 4

For the outcome of this project i am going to collaborate with some one else from this work shop class who will create a illustration that will go with a quote that i have taken out of the Metamorphosis book by Franz Kafka.

The quotes that was to be illustrated was "It was half past six and the hands were quietly moving forwards"
After some experimenting with colour and size this is the chosen illustration that me and my partner thought was best suited.
I am extremely happy with this illustration i feel that it fits the quotes perfectly, it connects to the quote strongly for the quote is about time and so is the illustration and the pocket watch is turning in to a bug to did Gregor in the book.

Now we have chosen the illustration, i then had to chose which typeface we was going to use to go with the illustration. Here are a few quick outlines of some different type faces that i could use for the quote. the one i have chosen i feel works best for its not to over the top but have a suttle but also a kinda of creepy bug like feel.

I then decided to look at what colour would go best with the illustration. Firstly i looked at just plain black then just the outline, then i went onto doing the outline of the letter in black fine liner and the inner colour of the text to be red. i then went onto seeing how the text would look in orange, yellow, pink, blue and green.I feel that the all black defiantly goes best with the illustration.

I then went on to seeing which medium would work best for making the poster, i experimented with Pencil, ink, Acrylic paint, brio, crayon, water colour, felt tip and coloured pencils.
i felt that the ink worked best its was the strongest and block medium.

Firstly i drew out the whole quote quite big so that i could get it all drawn out perfectly.and it was alot easy to draw out in ink.

i then photocopied the quote and made it slightly smaller so that the quote and the illustration fitted on a A3 page.
i played about with all different ways to display the quote and the illustration.

I think that these two layouts are the best two, you can read the quote clearly and easily.

This was the most impractical layout for the quote and illustration, it is very hard to read and very unclear on the order in which the quote does, also alot of the words are covering the illustration.

This layout also works very well apart from the illustration does not fit on the A3 size paper fully.
I then played about with the colour abit. i tried it in black and white and changing the contrast abit.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Metamorphosis - Day 3

I attended a life drawing class to see if drawing the human body in an unusual ways would inspire me for the outcome of this project.i decided that instead of using normal skin tone colours or typical black chalk for life drawing i would used different materials and bright and vivid colours.
Each one of my drawing i roughly spend about 10 - 15 minuets on.

Here i have used wax crayons and used cool colours.

Here once again i have used wax crayons but this time used warm colours.

Here i ave tried to use block colours but because i was using ink to create this piece it did not work so well and the inks started to run and then started to turn into a purple colour.

Here i have used black and grey water colour pencils.

 I am quite pleased with my life drawing outcomes, i think the wax crayons warm and cool colours worked best.i think i have shown the shape and the tones and shadows of the human body still really well.

We then started to think about what we wanted to create for our final piece of work to do with metamorphosis weather that be the book by Franz Kafka or just metamorphosis in general. This piece could be anything from a piece of text, illustration, animation or something using photography.
i want my piece to include typography and maybe an illustration.so i started to look at some quotes from the book and then chose my favourite ones.

  • "I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me, I cannot even explain it myself."
  • "As Gregor Sama awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect."
  • "what is happening to me" He thought it was no dream.
  • It was half past six and the hands were quietly moving forwards.
  • His room a regular human room, only a little on the small side. lay quietly between four familiar walls.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Metomorphosis - Day 2 - The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka.

The Metamorphosis project brief was to design a personal response to the central theme of transformation in the text 'The Metamorphosis' by Franz Kafka. so to begin this project i started by reading this book.
i then made a short quick review of the book.
Gregor a young man who, transformed in to a giant beetle like insects, became an object of disgrace to his family he felt like an outsider in his own home.

i then went on to looking at some different covers for the book by different artist interpretation's, i also looked at some other images for inspiration.

This piece for the cover of the book is one of my favourite ones i like how only type is used and  they have used it to make the beetle, also the typeface is quite creepy and bug like.

This cover shows the image of a young man trapped inside a bug like cage, unable to get out.
Just lie Gregor in the book.

The Metamorphosis book cover by Christano Sigueira
This is my favourite cover for the book, i like the graphical comic illustration and the use of colour.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Metomorphosis - Day 1 - Exhibition - The Inner Life Of Objects.

"The Inner Life Of Objects"- Jan Svankmejer

We went on a trip to Brighton to see "The inner life of objects" exhibition by Jan Svankmejer, here are some pieces what i really like and that i found quite inspirational.

The below Pieces are my favourite ones from the exhibition, they all ready stood out to me, i like how they are different animals and some human forms morphing together.
they are very detailed drawings, i find them quite creepy and weird but i do love the colour use on the coloured ones.

i really like the sculpture it shows the change of what an animal body goes through from baby to adult, i think it really shows metamorphosis.

Overall i found this exhibition really inspiration, its not like many things that i have seen, i like how different the pieces are, i think that it is a good start for this metamorphosis project.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Graphics Pathway - Day 12 Poetry and Calligraphy

 During today's workshop we experiment with inks practising simple strokes :
verticals, horizontals and curvatures.
i also experimented with different types of coloured inks and different types of pens and paint brushes to work with.

Here are the different colour inks i will experiment with.
these are the experiment with ink using a flat edged paint brush.

i then went on to looking at what calligraphy is used for;
Graphic design/Logos, Wine bottles, Poems or Wedding invitations.
i decided that i wanted to create a wedding invitation using pen and ink.
i started off by experimenting with some fonts in different colour inks.

i then went on to changing the back ground colour on which my wedding invitation would be.i feel that the silver and  gold back ground colours work best for a wedding, the other colours would work if they fitted in with the colour theme of the wedding.

I then did some quick sketches of some possible layouts for my wedding invitation. out off my sketches there were 4 which i thought would work really well as invitation so i have decided to make a final lager piece of each of these layout designs.

This is the first piece that i have done from the layout designs.
I think it works very well as a first age for a wedding invitation.
i think the use of colour is really effective its not to over the top.

This is my second piece i have done on the design layouts.
i think this piece was less successful for the colour is to over powering and it is hard to see the small detail on the rest of the invitation.
Also the calligraphy is not very effective i feel that it does not have a wedding feel to it.

this is the third piece i have done form the design layouts.
i feel that this is best out of the pieces.
i think the colour usage is really effective and it has enough information on to be the front of the invitation.
i also think the calligraphy works very well for a wedding invitation.