Sunday, 26 January 2014

Metamorphosis - Day 4

For the outcome of this project i am going to collaborate with some one else from this work shop class who will create a illustration that will go with a quote that i have taken out of the Metamorphosis book by Franz Kafka.

The quotes that was to be illustrated was "It was half past six and the hands were quietly moving forwards"
After some experimenting with colour and size this is the chosen illustration that me and my partner thought was best suited.
I am extremely happy with this illustration i feel that it fits the quotes perfectly, it connects to the quote strongly for the quote is about time and so is the illustration and the pocket watch is turning in to a bug to did Gregor in the book.

Now we have chosen the illustration, i then had to chose which typeface we was going to use to go with the illustration. Here are a few quick outlines of some different type faces that i could use for the quote. the one i have chosen i feel works best for its not to over the top but have a suttle but also a kinda of creepy bug like feel.

I then decided to look at what colour would go best with the illustration. Firstly i looked at just plain black then just the outline, then i went onto doing the outline of the letter in black fine liner and the inner colour of the text to be red. i then went onto seeing how the text would look in orange, yellow, pink, blue and green.I feel that the all black defiantly goes best with the illustration.

I then went on to seeing which medium would work best for making the poster, i experimented with Pencil, ink, Acrylic paint, brio, crayon, water colour, felt tip and coloured pencils.
i felt that the ink worked best its was the strongest and block medium.

Firstly i drew out the whole quote quite big so that i could get it all drawn out perfectly.and it was alot easy to draw out in ink.

i then photocopied the quote and made it slightly smaller so that the quote and the illustration fitted on a A3 page.
i played about with all different ways to display the quote and the illustration.

I think that these two layouts are the best two, you can read the quote clearly and easily.

This was the most impractical layout for the quote and illustration, it is very hard to read and very unclear on the order in which the quote does, also alot of the words are covering the illustration.

This layout also works very well apart from the illustration does not fit on the A3 size paper fully.
I then played about with the colour abit. i tried it in black and white and changing the contrast abit.

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