Unknown. (2009). William Morris and His Brer Rabbit Wallpaper.Available: http://www.wrensnest.org/william-morris-and-his-brer-rabbit-wallpaper/. Last accessed 12th April 2014.
This is a very complex design as it has several different creatures featured in it, it is also very highly detailed with a mirrored pattern. Most of the shapes and lines are repeated on the whole design.This is a flat 2D wallpaper design with a smooth thin texture.The colours used in this piece are quite cold colours if this was used to wallpaper a room the room would feel quite cold I feel that this would work best in a bathroom or toilet.
This piece was made in the mid 1860s by designer William Morris alongside one of his close friends who was also an artist, it was first made by hand using normal drawing and painting techniques then sent to a manufacture to be mass printed to be sold around the world.
The rabbits and the bird would have been created from an observation drawing and the small flowers would have been inspired by an actual flower but look more at the outline, shape and form then all the small details.The purpose of this design piece is for home decoration.
I found it very easy to tell what this design is off but I cannot work out what the meaning behind this pieces is, if there even is one.
I would happily have this piece in my home although I think I would have it in a bathroom or toilet rather than a bedroom or the main living areas. I really like how there is very little detail in this piece and it is all produced in block colours.
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