Here was was told to write down our door number and then turn it into a bus stop
we was then asked to draw our favourite fruit and turn it into a rabbit hutch
here we was asked to draw 2 vertical lines, one diagonal and one horizontal line and then turn it into a shopping centre over head view.
Here we had to draw 10 random dots then turn them into a floor plan of a 2 bedroom flat with a bathroom living room kitchen and hall way.
Here we had to draw our favorite piece of clothing and then turn it into a light source.
Here we was told to draw a squiggly line and then turn it into something that would hold 2 people and a cat.
Our second task of the day was to create a paper model that would hold up a water bottle of the table, i decided to go with a strong origami chatter box for i knew it would be pretty strong and it also looks visually interesting. Here are some images of my water bottle holder, in these images i have played about with the lighting reflecting of my holder.
This is what happened when i placed the water bottle on to my paper bottle holder, it was not as strong as i thought it would be i think it would have been better if i had made more then 2 so that it was made up of layers and then it would have been alot stronger.But even though it did not work very well i am happy with my outcome because i feel that it does look really good and interesting i also think i should have added some colour so that it was more eye catching.
We was then asked to make some thing out of 4 pieces of card and masking tape that would hold our own body weight, i decided to partner up with someone so we then had 8 pieces of cardboard but out piece had to then hold both of our body weight.
We decided that we was going to make a table/chair that would be supported with 3 legs one each to sit on and the other leg to keep the balance.
Our piece also had to be able to fold away as small as possible, this is what our piece looked like when folded away, our piece was not very successful at being able to fold away very small, i feel that it we had been more careful at how we made the legs this would have been more successful.
This is what our finished piece was when it was put up.
We was both able to sit on our piece, it help both our weight really well but it was not very balanced, it was really hard to stay on it for very long with our feet of the floor, but over all i think our piece was successful it was just not very visually nice.