Monday, 16 September 2013

Day 5 - Fashion and Textiles.

Our First task for today was to create a 2D garment on model from a magazine or the newspaper, we was asked to make 5 different garments.
This is a image of everyones work together on a board, i really like all of the pieces on the board they were all very eye catching and very different from eachother.

Here are the 5 garments that i made, i decided to use some of the small samples thats i had made yesterday on 2 of my 2D garments.which then made them 3D. I really enjoyed this proccess it was really good to see what different outcomes i had, and it was interesting to see how different mine was from everyone elses.

we was then asked to make 4 more but for these 4 we had to select a part of the body to work with, i decided to make head pieces for this could be anything from a hat to a pair of glasses or even both.

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