Saturday, 7 September 2013

Day 3 - Timelines

We was given the task to create a timeline of the events from the past week, the time lines we made hade to contain anything that we had made any memorys from, firstly we looked at the artist Ward Shelley to get some inspiration, i did find ward shelley really inspiering i really like the use o colours and the fact that he changes a normal simple plain timeline into a really intresting colourful eyecatching timeline. Here are a few of ward shelleys timeline.

i decided that for my time lines i was going to create a really simple and basic time line either using just words or images or both.

I found this task really fun and easy to do but i was really stuck at first about how to start of, i am not partiqualley happy about my first timeline that i made but i do really like my second and third time line for each diffrernt day i have tried to use different colours and for each different time line i have tried to make them all difrent by using images or going in to detail more.

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