The First task of today was to Create 5 bridges out of paper on a A1 sheet of paper, we could make these as big or as small as we wanted. Here is a side view and a birds eye view of my bridges.i found this task really easy and i enjoyed doing it and seeing all my outcomes together.
For the second task of the day we got split into groups of 6 and we had to produce a bridge made from 30 bamboo sticks, one roll of duck tape, 4 pieces of A2 Cardboard and two tables, this bridge had to be strong enough for a remote control car to go across it, it also had to be tall enough for a table to fit underneath it and it was only aloud 2 supporting beams touching the floor.
This is a quick sketch of what we wanted our bridge to look like, it would be most supported by the tables on each end and then a piece of cardboard in the middle of the bridge touching the floor and the underneath of the bridge, this was there so that when the car went across the bridge it would not completely collapse.
We decided that our bridge would be a opening bridge and in order to make our bridge open we connected loads of rubber bands together to make a long piece of stretchy string, which we then connected to the centre of our bridge and then to bamboo sticks which we had stuck to the table to keep it very secure.
firstly we sellotaped our 4 pieces of cardboard together then cut out the shape we wanted our bridge to be, we then also stuck several bamboo stick to the underneath as well to keep it even more stiff, but also making sure to leave a gap in the middle of the bridge so that it would be able to open.
We then stuck the bamboo sticks to the table ready for the elastic bands to be attached.
we attached two elastic band strings to each side of the bridge making sure that they were pulled quite tight for this would also make the bridge strong.
Once we had tested if our bridge was successfully at opening we then had to add a wall around the whole bridge so that the car would not just fall straight off the sides.
This is what our bridge looked like when open and the walls had been added.
This was our finished outcome, i think we where all very pleased with our bridge since we was the only group that made a opening bridge and it work very successfully.
i found this whole task really interesting and fun to do, i really enjoyed working with my group and having to solve a problem when something went wrong.
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