Friday, 18 October 2013

Day 13 -Graphics finish

Our first task today was to do some drawing experiments using different drawing techniques.
Our first drawing was to focus at the person who was sitting oposite us and then close our eyes and draw them, the second drawing we was told to chosen anyone and then draw them with only using our mouth, for the third drawing we had to use our alternative hand which was my left hand, last we had to draw our self only using one continuse line.

We then went on to the next task which was to draw some ones ear on a A1 sheet of paper in any medium of our choice,I decided to use a HB pencil for the outline and then a 4B and 6B pencil to do the shading.
After about half an hour we all then went down to level 4 and placed everyones ears on the floor then went to level 5 and took a picture looking down on all the ear drawings, i really enoyjed this task it was good to see what meadiums everyone else had used and how different people used up the space on the paper with there drawing.

We then created a collage out of different features from different famouse peoples faces from several magazines, i then made a veiw finder to select a small section of my collage which i would then blow up and drew out using normal gray pencils and water colour pencils.

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