Monday, 26 May 2014

Final Major Project - Wallpaper layouts.

I Knew that before i could start printing i needed to know how my designs were going to be positions on the wallpaper, so i did some very quick rough sketches to try and help me decided how i was going to have them.

The layout circled is the one that i have chosen would be best for my design, i have chosen this lay out because i feel that it would work best with the design there wouldn't be too much going on and the wallpaper wouldn't be over crowded, and it would make a very nice repeat pattern over one wall in a bedroom or living room.

Once again the design circled is the layout that i have decided to use, i have chosen this design because i think if my design was to cover a whole sheet of wallpaper in a room it would be very sore to the eye and would just be way to much in one room, so i thought that this design and shape of the design would work best as a border that would be going round a whole bedroom or once again living room, this design could even possibly work in a bathroom or toilet but it would have to be printed onto tiles rather then wallpaper.

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